My apartment is still in transition! I'm getting my studio/office set up in a week, but 'til then I'm still stuck with projects I can mostly do from the couch. I'm getting a bit stir-crazy. I want to PAINT!!!
Tonight I started designing my first amigurumi pattern, using my friend Jeff (of Doomsplosion fame) 's Moxy (the llama) as the base. I'm excited about the props and his expression. I'm also using alpaca yarn (redundant or true to life?!), which I'm planning to brush out to make Moxy fluffy. Smoke your little polyfil lungs away!
So far, I have most of his head together... The mouth can't be embroidered until after the brushing, and I won't attach the ears until the hat is made too...
I'll update as things progress!
Today I broke out the wire pet slicker to fuzz up Moxy's face. I also worked on his aviator hat... Which doesn't fit particularly well. I'll toy with it some more before I decide for sure on it. I also might go with longer ears too. BUT HE'S SO FLUFFY!
I really don't think I'd mess with this llama...
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